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How To Build Player Chemistry in FUT 23

time 2022-09-02 15:14

You can find cheap FUT coins PS4 at U7BuyStore! FUT 23 changes the chemistry system. The developers thought of new features and removed some of the old ones. The new system is more versatile. It achieves team variety. Players can now use more footballers for their squads. The system is also easier to understand. Let's see what features were removed. The overall team chemistry is no more. Players will now concentrate on achieving the maximum chemistry for individual footballers. The loyalty system was scrapped as well. Positional links have been eliminated. Footballers will link no matter their position. Low chemistry does not affect attributes anymore. Check out the FUT 23 coins prices at the U7BuyStore!

What is Individual Player Chemistry in FUT 23
There is no more team chemistry. We now have to focus on individual footballer chemistry. Our objective is to raise the chemistry of each player. The new system gives each footballer a maximum of three chemistry points. The individual footballer chemistry score is 0-3. We have three factors that affect the score of each footballer. These factors are favorite position, chemistry thresholds, and manager bonus. The favorite position factor enables footballers in a user's starting 11 to achieve chemistry only if they are playing in their favorite positions. They will contribute to the chemistry threshold for the team when they are in their favorite position. Users can change a footballer's favorite position. This feature too has received some updates. The second factor, chemistry threshold, is a primary method through which footballers increase their chemistry. A footballer that plays in their favorite position contributes with one increment to the club, country, and league chemistry levels. When you add footballers to your team that have the same club, country, or league as other players in the team, the chemistry thresholds will trigger the accumulation of chemistry points for the associated footballers. You can acquire a maximum of three chemistry points based on how many footballers in your starting 11 are in the same club, region, or league. The managers contribute with one chemistry increment to all footballers from the same country or league as them. Special items, such as Icon or FUT Heroes, might have a different behavior. FUT 23 is not released yet. The development team is still considering the feedback from testers. The chemistry thresholds for each of the three factors might change before the game launches.

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